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Driven away by Norway and drowned by Greece


Driven away by Norway and drowned by Greece
Eshanolla Safi. Photograph by Eurokinisi

The different story of an Afghan refugee, one of the survivors of the tragedy of Farmakonisi, the chronicle of the drama and the mystery of the testimonies. Soul searching from Eshanolla Safi (photo).

Sunday, 26 January 2014. The migrants who survived at Farmakonisi are gathered at the offices of the Afghan community, just a few metres from the hotel where they are staying in the centre of Athens. Along with tens of representatives of international organisations who are collecting data in an attempt to contribute to the clarification of the tragedy. Sitting at an oval table, silently, with a mug of coffee in hand they beckon at our entrance. Sitting at the back is a middle-aged Norwegian in origin who is chatting with 39-year old Eshanolla Safi and keeping notes on a piece of paper of what he tells him. Safi is…

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This entry was posted on March 2, 2014 by .